Friday, May 11, 2012

Looking up

     Looking all around, I only see darkness. I look at things in my life and all I see is change. Wishing I could go back to unlearn what I know and learn what I should.
     I can remember your voice as though we spoke yesterday, I remember your arms wrapping me up in a hug only a grandma could give. I never told you that that was what I looked forward to the most, not saying goodbye but, getting my hugs and kisses from you.
     How could I get myself so off track, lost my plans, lost my map. I shouldn't be this way, cynical and filled with disregard for others, you both taught me better.
     How to find my way? I look all around and all I see is darkness and evil. In a pit of despair is where I feel I am, clawing and digging my way out. I feel the chains pulling me back, unable to break my bonds, keeping me here, unable to feel the sun spreading its warmth throughout my body.
     I scream, echoes reverberate in this hole, almost mockingly, bringing my pleas for help back to my own ears. Laughter fills the air, I'm surprises to realize that it's coming from my mouth. Have I gone insane? The darkness once again swallows me.
     A shining light draws my attention upwards, why didn't I see it before? I've wanted so long to be released from this hole, and yet I always failed to simply look.....up....
     You've been with me always, never telling, only guiding. Whispering to me in the wind, telling me that my time would come, I'd figure it all out in time, my time. Faith isn't faith because you have proof, faith is believing when proof is non-existent.
     My beliefs can never be the same as yours were, but they can be similar. Thank you, for sending those whispers, unrelenting just telling me to keep looking up....

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