Friday, January 26, 2018

New years resolutions(Am I late?)

It's late, and instead of getting my butt in bed, I choose to write. I have half the day to do this, and inspiration decides to hit now. C'est la vie. I actually have been recording while driving so I can remember what I want to write about and now I just need to start going through and writing that stuff.

That's not what this is about. This is about my New Years resolutions, and well, I want to share them with you. So, without further ado, here we go!

Read 42 books: I figure I can read at least one a week, so this should be an easy task. I used to love reading so much, that at times I preferred it to watching tv/gaming.

Learn a new language, or improve on one already started: I took some high school Spanish like many other folks have, and as an adult I want to broaden my horizons and open myself up to other cultures.

Here's the generic one that many people choose: Get healthy via working out and eating better. I don't want to remain an unhealthy, 565lb person.

Learn a new skill in tech: Technology has been a passion of mine, but not one that I've taken as seriously as I'd like. I want to improve my knowledge base, and if I can keep my nose to the grindstone, I think I could learn more than just one thing.

Seriously begin streaming/creating content on Twitch/YT: Now, I don't believe that being a professional streamer/entertainer on one of the various streaming platforms is easy, but it's something that I think would be fun, and potentially a good idea.

Learn video editing/audio for good vids/podcast content: obviously, this goes with the last one, but it's actually something I started to look in to, but completely fell off the learning tree.

Take a writing class: I want to improve my writing. I don't think it's fair for me to say I'm good, but I think I have potential.

Volunteer to help others: I don't feel like I'm living up to my own standards. I want to leave this world better than it was when I found it, and I know that I haven't been doing that. I can do better.

That's gonna wrap up my New Years resolutions, and it might change over the year(adding things, not subtracting) and I hope that by this time next year, I'm writing to tell you that I successfully completed my list. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the view.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Weight just a minute

What do you do, when you've let yourself get out of control? You take stock of yourself, meditate on the problem and you get to work. So this is me, I'm getting back to work, so I can be happy, and live.

For the longest time, I've denied what I've known: I'm addicted to food. Sugar, and fat, and chocolate and all other sorts of confections are my weakness. It's difficult, because of two things, one, I need food to survive, and I know I need to make better choices, and two: I think, "hey, I can have just one or two small servings of this", and the next thing I know a big ol' pan of brownies or cookies are gone. And that's no one's fault but my own. It's as though my taste buds and brain just don't relay to my stomach that they don't need that much.

If you're reading this, odds are you saw my little breakdown on New Year's Eve, and obviously, I have some issues to work through regarding my self-esteem. Here's the thing, last time I was weighed, I weighed 565lbs. I don't reveal this number to garner sympathy, or to be ridiculed(although putting this on the internet is probably going to open me up to some). I share this because I want my peeps to know where exactly I need to start from. I don't know what lies within my sub-conscience that I need to reconcile, but this year, that's my mission: To learn new things and uncover my own issues.

I actually made a New Years Resolution list. Things I wanted to do in 2018, and I hope to accomplish at least half, but I do obviously want to complete the whole thing. I hope that you, the reader, will join me on my journey. I know I fell off the writing wagon, but I hope to get back on that as well.

You may have noticed that I used the word hope rather frequently, and that's because I believe that hope is what one needs to embark upon an endeavor such as this.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you when the Sun comes up again.