Saturday, August 10, 2013

Everyday is day one

     Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of various ages, welcome to the sun, let's look at the view. Not the view that stars some ladies sitting around a table telling America all the celeb gossip, but the view from the Sun, shall we get through it, yes let's do it!

     So, I've decided that I need to keep a caloric content journal. My problem is that I start writing out the stuff I eat, and next thing I know, I forget to write something down, or I eat something that I forget about and it just goes off track. I need to discipline myself much stricter than I have been.

     Beginnings are hard. Probably the most difficult things in the world. You have to let go of the past, and walk in to something that isn't certain, the future. I'm in the stages of new beginnings, I've been the same, stagnant person for the past decade. I need a new path, a journey that I craft and decide, not one that is decided for me. I'm torn between two things that I love, psychology and technology. I love them equally, and I'm having the hardest time deciding between the two.

    For me, every day has to be day one. No matter how long I'm at it, everyday must be day one, so that keep the determination of day one, because in the end, it is only you versus you. Comparing yourself to anyone else is futile, and if you do, you've already lost.

     I want to find healthy, delicious recipes that are affordable to make. I can't spend a lot on groceries because I don't have a lot of money right now. I am searching for a diet/exercise regimen that works for me. Something that I can afford and be able to stick to. Something that will push me to the limit, but not kill me and make me want to give up. 

     I guess I'm searching for my soul, my life, my future. It's a difficult search, and in my search, I guess it's the journey that we must cherish, not just the destination. The love and support of my friends and family is what will help me to push my self to succeed. 

     Welcome to the journey, I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I will. We only get one life, and I defy anyone to tell me that they will be entitled to anything once we are all in the ground. Life is a journey that only happens once, lets rock it!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rude awakening

     Hello readers, and welcome once again to the view from the sun. I am your host as always, the charming Eros Helios. Today is day 2 on my long journey and, man did it come with a rude awakening when it comes to my diet.

     I like coffee. Anyone who knows me, knows this to be true. My local coffee joint is Tim Horton's, and as I do on most days, I went to buy myself coffee. Well, I didn't just get coffee, I also got oatmeal and a muffin. I should have just stuck with the coffee, and maybe the oatmeal, because the muffin has 400 calories, and then I look at the coffee, it has 440 calories in it. I know, sugar is not good for me, but it's a habitual kinda thing, and I like my coffee to be sweet-ish. Then I looked at the cream, and the cream has 300 calories for an extra large.

     With all that in mind, it looks like I'm going to have to either cut down on my coffee, cut down on cream and sugar or find lower calorie, non artificial sweetener, natural sweetener. It's just one thing that I'm going to have to change, but in the end it will be worth it. I suppose that coffee wasn't meant to be guzzled by the gallon anyway (hyperbole, I don't actually drink it by the gallon), but to be sipped and enjoyed slowly, just as life is meant to be.

     I'm thinking that I might write more than one of these blogs a day, because if I write one in the morning, well, you miss out on the rest of the day. Who knows. The road may be long and winding, but ultimately, it's going to be enjoyable.

     Thanks for checking me out, til next time, stay sunny!