Friday, January 26, 2018

New years resolutions(Am I late?)

It's late, and instead of getting my butt in bed, I choose to write. I have half the day to do this, and inspiration decides to hit now. C'est la vie. I actually have been recording while driving so I can remember what I want to write about and now I just need to start going through and writing that stuff.

That's not what this is about. This is about my New Years resolutions, and well, I want to share them with you. So, without further ado, here we go!

Read 42 books: I figure I can read at least one a week, so this should be an easy task. I used to love reading so much, that at times I preferred it to watching tv/gaming.

Learn a new language, or improve on one already started: I took some high school Spanish like many other folks have, and as an adult I want to broaden my horizons and open myself up to other cultures.

Here's the generic one that many people choose: Get healthy via working out and eating better. I don't want to remain an unhealthy, 565lb person.

Learn a new skill in tech: Technology has been a passion of mine, but not one that I've taken as seriously as I'd like. I want to improve my knowledge base, and if I can keep my nose to the grindstone, I think I could learn more than just one thing.

Seriously begin streaming/creating content on Twitch/YT: Now, I don't believe that being a professional streamer/entertainer on one of the various streaming platforms is easy, but it's something that I think would be fun, and potentially a good idea.

Learn video editing/audio for good vids/podcast content: obviously, this goes with the last one, but it's actually something I started to look in to, but completely fell off the learning tree.

Take a writing class: I want to improve my writing. I don't think it's fair for me to say I'm good, but I think I have potential.

Volunteer to help others: I don't feel like I'm living up to my own standards. I want to leave this world better than it was when I found it, and I know that I haven't been doing that. I can do better.

That's gonna wrap up my New Years resolutions, and it might change over the year(adding things, not subtracting) and I hope that by this time next year, I'm writing to tell you that I successfully completed my list. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the view.

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