Tuesday, June 12, 2012


     Welcome, once again to View from the Sun. I am, as always, your host Eros Helios, but you can call me Erik. I know that an online identity is just that, however, as much as I'd like to believe that people should call me Eros, that just isn't my name. Feel free to call me Eros, but someday, that won't be the name in shiny lights, or the light of a glo-worm as it probably will be.

     A post or two ago, I alluded to a future "project" that I'd like to start, and in that vein, I'd like to explain a little bit about it. I am a creator. You might not be able to tell that by just looking at me or reading my blog, but I am. I have an imagination that is rivaled by people such as Spongebob Squarepants or Patrick Star. Okay, more like Bear or Casper, but still, I'm one imaginative fuck.

     One of the projects that I'd like to start is an online "pseudo-novel" not necessarily a Twilight caliber read, hopefully something better. I'm thinking maybe some short stories and they will be dark, witty, humorous and fun to read. Perhaps parodies of current books, albeit shorter. Someday, honestly I hope I can write something good enough to get published and maybe, just maybe, give someone who deserves it, the break they need.

     I'm beginning to realize that I am not in the midday of my life, not even mid-morning, but more like the sunrise of my life. I'm also beginning to realize that my life will never be over, not even when I'm dead and gone I shall go on. I intend on leaving a legacy, a legacy of something legendary. No more will I decide safe is better, but I will take chances, get wild, be cautious when necessary but I'm tired of pretending I'm something I'm not. I want people to pretend to be me. I want to really do what I dream and dare to become something much more than I ever thought.

     One way or another, comfort and riches will eventually be mine. I see so many people with "money" just wasting it. Spending it on things like lottery tickets or blowing it on, well, blow. I think that they could spare some of this money for small town charities, big time charities, doesn't matter as long as they remember that once upon a time, they were right there at the bottom of the barrel with the rest of us.

     Well, that will do it. I thank you for reading and be sure to tip the hooker and pay the waitress, squeeze some boob, and watch the tube. This has been your View from the Sun, and I hope you come back for more of the warmth that you can only get here.

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