Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hall of Flame

     Welcome one and all, to VIEW FROM THE SUN! I've had a couple ideas floating around, but I'm going to put those on the back burner and talk about something that really irritates me, quite often actually. Now, I know that numerous people have talked about cyber bullying, trolls, flaming, and to be honest, they are all one in the same.

     I, am an active video game aficionado. I enjoy getting on my PlayStation seeing my friends online and just going out, balls to the wall, gaming. Call of Duty, DC Universe online, any MMOG where people can talk to each other, however when people start telling you "you suck" or "sell your playstation and kill yourself" I think that these people need to really re-evaluate their own damn lives. I'm sorry that I don't spend 70% of my time on a damn video game.

     Flaming and trolling on the internet is nothing new, in fact, this made up statistic of 93% of all the internet has to deal with trolls, the other 7% are religious and porn sites, and no one flames on porn. I don't understand the "need" to be an asshole on an internet board, why people say things just to get a rise out of people. I say stuff in real life to get a reaction, but that's in real life, I see the reaction of the person, and unless there's a "reason" for me to be mean, it's always something in good fun, nothing mean.

     I think it's time that we have a hall of flame, a "prestigious" institution where all trolls, flamers, and candy-ass bullies get to hang out, together, alone, forever.

     Well, honestly I've got nothing left on this subject. It's my opinion on the matter. I hope that next time, you stop by, it's much better material. Something more adventurous, something more, entertaining. Until then, this has been your view from the sun and it's beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there is just such a place, it's called 4chan. But anonymity gives people the power to say things that they never could in person. You got to remember, it's easier to talk shit about someone you've never seen than to say it to their face. If i got something to say, i'm going to say it to you face to face, or over the internet; i'd rather do it in person too. I agree it's stupid to be an asshole online without context. if someone pisses you off it's one thing, but to be that way for no reason other than you've had a bad day is another. But when it's done all in good fun with another participant, let the fun be had.
