Thursday, September 5, 2019

Forgotten moments

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the View from the Sun. At first, I had literally forgotten what I was going to write about, but after a quick nap, and a mid-sleep wake up from my cats, I remembered exactly what I was going to say.

Sometimes to finish your dreams, you have to start over. I know, it sounds antithetical, but a good restart is something that can really spur your mind, body, and soul or heart or whatever you want to call it. Not long ago, I wrote about trying new things, and working towards a goal. A few goals, actually. But what I didn't mention was that I had kinda given up at one point. I felt destined to just be a failure, completing menial tasks and eventually just dying, never having lived a life worth living. Just, existing. Nothing more, nothing less. I haven't been to the gym to workout in months because I had this mindset. I hide my emotions well, because I have to. But, I'm resetting. I'm looking at life from a different perspective, because I am no longer satisfied with just existing. I'm no longer happy keeping the status quo. I want my life to mean something, and since I have no legacy to raise, I'll create my own legacy.

I'm not sure what life will hold in the end for me, but I hope that if I don't find success, it isn't because I didn't work as hard as I could, to become the best version of me that is possible. Thanks for reading hanging out, and remember, the View is always sunny here.

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