Sunday, July 22, 2012

No negativity from you!

     It's been a little while, I know. I have to start out by saying one thing and one thing only, Welcome every one, to View from the Sun. Before I get into this, I do want to let you know that yes, I am working on the next part of my story and I hope the people who actually care enough to read it, will enjoy it. The final thing I want to say is about the tragic turn of events in Aurora, Colorado. We live in a world where everyone wants to escape reality and immerse themselves in a land of fantasy and heroes and villains, but we never really expect the villains to walk in and begin their moments of terror. My heart and thoughts go out to all those suffering from the senseless act of violence perpetrated by someone who couldn't distinguish between reality and fiction. I don't know what the motives were, but it was never necessary. May all those affected by this tragedy begin the healing process and find some sort of peace, and may the perpetrator be brought to justice.

     Wow! Negativity is all around us. The past, present and future is filled with it. There is no getting away from it. Negativity is what brings about things that should never occur.  For some, negativity is a constant. I pride myself on doing the best that I can to be a positive person. I'm still accused though, of being a negative person. I have a mantra before I go to sleep every night that helps me along my path. It's kind of funny, the days I forget to practice it, are the mornings when I wake up in a bad mood.

     It's difficult to be positive though, when things aren't going the way you'd like them to. I'm without a job, no car, no love life to speak of, but I'm figuring myself out, I'm forging ahead to make myself better. My diet is getting better by the day, my exercise regimen is coming along, and well, I can be positive about that. People act like I don't exist, whatever, their loss. I have a lot of people acting like I've done something wrong, and I haven't. Oh well, get over it. I'm a great person, I'm loyal and I have a heart as big as they come, but rest assured, I can be a dick.

     There are things I take issue with though. For instance, I'm a great guy, a great listener, and I can have intelligent conversations with just about anyone, but here I am alone, because I don't look the part. Fuck that, I'm gonna continue to do what I have to do, and when I'm good enough for you, I'm gonna remember that I wasn't good enough for you.

     Positivity breeds positivity. Negativity breeds negativity. In my opinion, I've made the change from negative to positive rather smoothly and though I have days where I feel negativity, I still remain as positive as I can.

    Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you right here, next time, because the view is fantastic.

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