Friday, November 23, 2012
Giving thanks
Today is Thanksgiving day 2012, and I've seen many people doing a "countdown" of sorts, til Thanksgiving, and my homie dawgy dawg Steve wrote a blog and well, I was kinda thinking I'd do the same.
First and foremost, I'm thankful for my freedom, brought to me by the US service men and women, who, lay their lives on the line every single day.
I'm thankful for my family. My mom who for no reason whatsoever still believes I can do anything, and so, I believe I can do anything(still trying to fly without a plane), my brother who still looks up to me like I'm something special and my sister who is still learning the difference between what is right and what is easy. My niece who grows every day it seems, and has the innocence of childhood in her eyes. My soon to be sister-in-law who offers me good conversation when no one else is available, keeping me sane since losing my job.
When I was young, and I wished that I had an older brother, which would be impossible, I could never have known that my wish would be granted in the form of the best and truest friend that I have ever had. Steve came into my life when my life wasn't the most, erm...coherent, wasn't the best, I had just lost the girl that I had thought was the love of my life, and we bonded over time, and trips to Virginia.
I'm thankful for my friends, the old and the new. I've met a few great people over the last year and while we don't always get to talk a lot, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
I'm thankful for my health. I'm slowly getting better in everything, and while it might not be enough for some people, it's good enough for me.
I'm thankful for my animal friends, even though some of them can be pains, they love me unconditionally, and that's all that matters.
I'm thankful for technology, without it, I wouldn't be able to connect with new and exciting people, or the people who I've known forever.
I'm thankful for life. This great and wonderful roller coaster, filled with good experiences, bad ones, chaos and order, without it all, life would cease to be, and we can't have that.
I just want to wrap this up by saying, thank you for reading, and to those I know, I love you all. My life is brighter and better because of each and every one of you.
Monday, November 12, 2012
An oldie, but a goody. MySpace flashback
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Ghost Hunting.....
Current mood: ![]() Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Knockout Corner
Ok, ok, so I'm a day late and a dollar short so sue please don't...anyway I promised a debut to a regular "blog" yesterday and obviously I didn't get it done in time..There's a surprise right.. Alright on with the show babay!! Rumbling Ranting Just because today is the first I'm going to let you know what each section is about. This section ^ is where I "rant" about some of the current events happening in my life and the further ado... Who would have thought it? No, not me I tell you...not that I mind, but I don't think anyone would have thought that in our lifetime would there be a black American president. I sincerely hope that President elect Obama makes the detractors eat their words and that he can truly lead. A lot of My friends wanted McCain. I was the "maverick" who wanted Obama...and My boy Steve...he was hoping for Obama too. God there are so many ignorant people around it's pathetic, example: the other day I was within earshot of a person criticizing blacks..he said quote "When have you ever seen a black guy keep a job for four years?" I was appalled and offended. He was referencing the fact that Obama will be our next president. Picture This! This is an interesting time. When people say the word "ghost", there is usually one of two reactions, one of unabashed skepticism, or one of intense belief. With the continuation of science probing every facet of life and death, there seems to be irrefutable proof that ghosts do not exist, and there is no other world but the physical one...but is there? Science may be alot of things but, first and foremost like everything else science is flawed. There is a show on the Scifi network called "Ghost Hunters". I am an avid fan of the show, and while I do believe in the supernatural and the spirit world, I can't help but think on the same lines as the founders of T.A.P.S. or The Atlantic Paranormal Society, and the philosophy they employ is this, while we believe that there are true events of paranormal phenomenon, there are reports that are really not associated with the paranormal what so ever, and can be debunked. I bring up the show because it inspired me and Steve to try doing a little ghost hunting ourselves. Now, I don't know what the legalities of it are so I will not be including names of places we have visited. Steve and I were with a friend ghost hunting in a cemetery, we have done this a few times and it's been fun, but it's also been very intense. Cemeteries are not the most comfortable place to be at night, the slightest sounds can have you freaking out like a little school girl, I have proof of that. We've went ghost hunting a few times now, each time gleaning a little insight into the afterlife. We have had genuine experiences and have caught some voices and even words while doing E.V.P.'s. E.V.P. stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena (in case you didn't know). We haven't been able to really catch anything else due to us not having money for things like, EMF(Electro Magnetic Field)meter, or a thermal imaging camera. There can be truly hair raising moments, once while exploring a cemetery Steve started feeling as though he were possessed, I felt it too and it was not a nice feeling. It was as though I was drained of all my natural energy, I couldn't speak, I felt like I was a statue I couldn't move. I felt unspeakable anger rolling off in waves from Steve. It was intense. After that happened Steve and I took a break from ghost hunting to clear our heads and have since resumed our evil evil ways... I know that this is kinda short and I just want you to know that I will be increasing my length..or if you think it is perfect length just let me is always can leave me a comment here or you can hit me up by email at: Thank you all for reading. Erik |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Unexpected first
Oh my god slide it in. No, that wasn't good enough, try again, I love the feeling of steel penetrating my skin, over and over again. Piercing deeply, searching for vein, to send the necessary chemicals to kill the infection.
Welcome everybody, welcome everyone. Welcome to the view from the sun, I am your host Eros Helios. Come in, sit down and pull out the lotion, and give your computer screen a nice massage, then use the lotion.
As I write this, I am laying in a hospital bed with an infection in my lower left leg that, if left untreated, could infect my blood, spread to my heart or lungs, and kill me. I'm told that that is muy malo, very bad.
So I have no choice but to lay here, hoping that tonight will be my last night here in this hospital. Praying that the three days of antibiotic treatments, obliterate the infection threatening my life.
Dramatic I know, but its true. Waiting for my nightly fill of intravenous medications and it's irritating me, although I think about the past couple days, my legs are free of blood clots and the docs wanna keep it that way as they are keeping me on a blood thinner.
This is my first ever stay in a hospital(for more than a few hours at the ER) and the one thing I've discover is, god it's boring.
Okay, so, I kinda stopped writing this blog because honestly, I don't like writing on my phone. Since I'm no longer in the hospital, and my leg is healing quite splendidly, and I've also had my follow up and wow, was that an adventure, I'm finishing this up so my mind will stop bugging me about it.
I was in the hospital a total of 5 days, and it honestly wasn't that bad. The staff was wonderful, most of them anyway, the food wasn't bad(thank god I didn't go in before they made changes to the menu). There was no jell-o, no foul tasting food, it was actually rather delicious.
The worst thing about being in the hospital was the discomfort of the IV, I had to have the IV changed and moved like 7 times. It was irritating. I guess I should have gotten used to it, I had a blood draw every morning and half the time I slept through it, lol, and I don't know if that's good or bad.
Good or bad, it's so good to be out of the hospital and do what I want, go where I want, and walk again, without the pain of the infection throbbing with every step. I had visitors, my mom, sister, brother and my brothers' girlfriend and my niece, along with a couple friends.
The last time my brother visited, it was so cute, they were getting ready to leave and I gave my niece a hug and as I went to stand up I had a baby and a stroller attached to me. Apparently she wanted uncle Erik to be home. The next day, I was.
Well, this was the first hospital stay for me, ever. I'm a little disappointed to be honest. I wanted to go through life, never having stayed at a hospital. Oh well, I suppose I shall survive.
I'm on my way to a better, healthier future, I've lost a total of 13 lbs. and I don't plan on stopping. I may slip, trip and fall, but I will always get back up.
Thanks once again, for taking the time to read my little corner of the internet. I hope I will be able to write on a more frequent basis. I irritate myself because, I often get distracted more often than I would like. The future is bright from the sun. Be safe, be healthy.
Monday, September 10, 2012
9/11 forgotten?
All kidding aside, today I want to focus on something that has been regarded as the worst tragedy in American history, 9/11/2001, and how it is slowly but surely seemingly being forgotten. Now, I know that there are patriot's out there, saying "Now wait just a minute fella, we haven't forgotten 9/11" and I haven't either, but the majority of the public has put it on the back burner, slid it to the furthest reaches of their minds, only thinking of it on the anniversary of 9/11 or on a day where it's announced that Usama (Osama) Bin Laden, or another Al Queda member has been found and neutralized.
I was reading an article in USA today, (E-version) and the wars that were a direct result of 9/11, weren't even talked about in the speech given by millionaire Mitt. On average, 31 men or women die each month and the only people who really seem to care are those that reside in the hometown of that service man or woman. Every citizen of America should feel the sting of yet another soul lost to a Vietnam-like war.
I don't like that it seems like these men and women are being ignored. I don't like the fact that it seems as though 9/11, or any day in history where senseless violence has ended countless lives, is forgotten.
Everyday, we should earn the right to live, because of all the men and women in the armed forces, past and present, gave up their lives so we could live in freedom. Everyday, we should thank each and every one, who gave us that freedom, and we should continue to fight for freedom even here, on the home front. Especially here, in the United States.
Thank you all for joining me, here on a view from the sun. I hope that I will be back much sooner than before, and I hope that my rambling will get better, and more organized. Until then, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America....
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Time and tide waiteth for no man
The day my grandmother passed away started out like a normal day, in fact, when we got the call that something was wrong with her, I was playing N64 with a so-called friend of mine. My mom was having issues with her vehicle so I had to go pick her up and take her over, luckily my car was having issues, but was still able to make the trip, I suppose doing 70mph the whole trip helped that.
It was a surreal situation arriving at her house instead of the hospital, never really connecting the dots, and realizing the awful truth. We had been told something happened, but no real details beyond that. So, we rushed over and were met by ambulance and fire trucks. As we walked up, someone (a family member) informed us that, she was gone.
Standing there, stunned, no, it couldn't be. The one person who could be strong for me, even when I couldn't was no longer there to be strong. I HAD to do it on my own. Had to hold my mom together, even though I wanted to fall apart, I couldn't for her. So many regrets, so many missed opportunities. I knew and still know to this day that she loved me, and I loved her. She wanted so desperately to see me succeed... and I never did, not while she was alive and up until this point, I still haven't.
The day she was buried was a day I will never forget. It was the day I turned 19. In the decade that has past by me since then, each year my birthday has been marred by the memory of my worst birthday ever. My birthday has never been the same, and no one is to blame, I get it, I really do. It will never matter whether I'm turning 29 or 129, I will miss her just as much, every passing year.
I wanna close this by saying simply this, Grandma, I love you, I miss you, no matter how much time passes, I still hear your voice guiding me, your light showing me the way. Someday, we shall meet again, and on that day, I hope that I will have made you more proud than words could express.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this window into my soul. Thank you.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
No negativity from you!
Wow! Negativity is all around us. The past, present and future is filled with it. There is no getting away from it. Negativity is what brings about things that should never occur. For some, negativity is a constant. I pride myself on doing the best that I can to be a positive person. I'm still accused though, of being a negative person. I have a mantra before I go to sleep every night that helps me along my path. It's kind of funny, the days I forget to practice it, are the mornings when I wake up in a bad mood.
It's difficult to be positive though, when things aren't going the way you'd like them to. I'm without a job, no car, no love life to speak of, but I'm figuring myself out, I'm forging ahead to make myself better. My diet is getting better by the day, my exercise regimen is coming along, and well, I can be positive about that. People act like I don't exist, whatever, their loss. I have a lot of people acting like I've done something wrong, and I haven't. Oh well, get over it. I'm a great person, I'm loyal and I have a heart as big as they come, but rest assured, I can be a dick.
There are things I take issue with though. For instance, I'm a great guy, a great listener, and I can have intelligent conversations with just about anyone, but here I am alone, because I don't look the part. Fuck that, I'm gonna continue to do what I have to do, and when I'm good enough for you, I'm gonna remember that I wasn't good enough for you.
Positivity breeds positivity. Negativity breeds negativity. In my opinion, I've made the change from negative to positive rather smoothly and though I have days where I feel negativity, I still remain as positive as I can.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you right here, next time, because the view is fantastic.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Hallowed
Leaves fell softly from the heavens as she ran. The darkness was somehow reassuring, she thought, always choosing to run during the night, rather than deal with the crowded paths during the day. Running gave her a release from the days stresses. Working as an overworked, underpaid, constantly objectified intern placed a lot of stress on her shoulders.
As the song changed on her phones music player, she suddenly became aware of the impending storm. The clouds were thick and black, made even more ominous by the sudden lightening. All of a sudden, a loud CRACK shot through the air, and the hair on the back of her neck suddenly was full of electricity. She knew she needed to find cover, soon. Her apartment was two miles away by this point, and there was no way she'd make it back before the storm hit.
Running this path before, she knew there was a bridge up ahead, the shallow brook that once flowed under had since dried up in the extreme drought that had plagued them this year. Hoping she could make it in time, she sped her pace up. Thirty feet, the wind was picking up. Twenty feet, the rain began pounding against her skin. Ten feet, lightening struck, splitting a limb, just barely missing her as she sped passed, down the hill, under the bridge, she made it, just barely.
Hoping the storm wouldn't last too long, she found a rock that was somewhat comfortable, and pulled out a lighter and began building a fire with the scattered drift wood she found. Soon, she had a roaring fire going, trying to dry herself from the drenching she had received from the storm. She could hear the wind picking up and thought, "Oh lord, I'm going to be here for a while". No sooner had she finished her thought, lightening lit up the sky, longer than normal, almost like a strobe light.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shape emerge. It had been there the entire time, what she thought was a relatively large boulder was becoming human shaped. Removing the headphones from her ear, she whispered, "Hello?", no response. "Hello?" she said, louder this time, and all she heard was a guttural growl, like a dog, but darker, more fierce. Thinking of something, anything to dissuade this potential threat from attacking, she picked up a burning piece of wood, and tossed it at the figure, trying to get a better view.
The figure was extremely agile, and jumped out of the way of the flaming projectile, out of the light that it shed where it had been standing only moments ago. Knowing her life was potentially in danger, she pulled out her phone. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEP, it had died. The creature began to advance upon her, it's growling growing louder seemingly with every step, until finally she could see it's face. It wasn't human. It's lips were drawn back, baring it's teeth, dripping with blood. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something that made her heart stop. There, not two feet from where she had thrown the flaming log was a body. She knew she was next. The creature lunged, and she let out a blood curdling scream, that no one would ever hear.
To be continued.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Welcome one and all to this, View from the Sun. I am as always your host with the most, Eros.
I don't know what it is, but as soon as I'm in a vehicle, I feel better. Most of the time. I usually have a destination in mind, but even when I get there, I am so content to be away from home that I can just chill in the parking lot for untold amounts of time, and I'm cool with that.
Now, some of that might have to do with my smartphone and having the ability to blog, Google+, Facebook, check my email and just search the web on the go. It's a freedom that is so nice because, who wouldn't love to blog on the beach, write a restaurant review as you are getting served, post the play by play of a baseball game, football game, wrestling event, or even pictures and videos of a kick ass concert.
Being away doesn't mean the same thing as it used to. Google+ has a hangout feature I can use right on my phone and chat with 3,4 friends, who I normally wouldn't be able to "hang out" with.
Though the mobility is nice, the sheer freedom to be able to do all this and more, in the future I'm sure, is what makes a smart phone, for some, a near necessity.
Some features are just not really necessary, like the check in feature that various sites employ. My location isn't needed for public knowledge, but I use it because I can. I'm not afraid of someone knowing where I am, but it's not a necessity.
The freedom to be away from home, yet still do so much, is a fantastic freedom. Of course there will be those who abuse it, but people abuse everything that is invented, look it up, Google or YouTube or Wikipedia will tell you. Right Casper?
Well, that's about it for tonight, or right now anyway, hopefully, my writers block will be fully unblocked and I will be able to pump out more bloggy goodness on a more consistent basis.
One last thing, tomorrow is the 4th of July, our independence day, remember why we celebrate it. Not for corrupt governments, or big business, but our independence from the same sort of tyranny that we are headed for if we refuse to stand up for our rights as dictated by God and our forefathers. Happy Independence day, and thank you you the American soldiers who protect our way of life, the non corrupt members of the police departments who protect us domestically and the EMT's, Firefighters and first responders who save us from various tragedies. God bless you all and THANK YOU
Friday, June 15, 2012
Connection lost!
Welcome to the View from the Sun, I am as always your host, Erik. This installment is one of those, "it just came to me" types of blogs.
Sitting here thinking about all the people who have graced my life with their presence, and all I can think is that 90% of them were absolutely and totally full of shit.
I've had some of the greatest friendships, and most of them didn't last. There are very few people whom I trust my life with. Even many my "family" are just as full of shit as these so-called friends.
I'm not going to name names, point the finger or place blame, but when you act like someone is your friend, and then ignore any and all attempts at communication, that really shows me what kind of person you really are.
I was looking at Facebook and I was seeing all these names from my past and they had a lot in common. Not with me, but each other. Each one had said that I was such a great friend, and how they'd hate to lose my friendship and each one, at a different time, has walked right out of my life, without a glance back.
Life is hectic, lives are torn apart on a daily basis for no other reason than someone, somewhere made a decision, usually a stupid one. Isn't that reason enough to keep the embers of a relationship glowing, burning in the hopes that they will love you. When the day comes, you can be confident that they will be there for you, as a companion, as someone to go through life with, knowing that neither of you will ever be alone?
When the connection is lost, there isn't a tech somewhere that can walk you through fixing it. All that we can do is put some kindling on the ashes, and hope that the fire will once again roar with furious determination.
In the bonds of friendship and love, evil will be conquered.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Hall of Flame
I, am an active video game aficionado. I enjoy getting on my PlayStation seeing my friends online and just going out, balls to the wall, gaming. Call of Duty, DC Universe online, any MMOG where people can talk to each other, however when people start telling you "you suck" or "sell your playstation and kill yourself" I think that these people need to really re-evaluate their own damn lives. I'm sorry that I don't spend 70% of my time on a damn video game.
Flaming and trolling on the internet is nothing new, in fact, this made up statistic of 93% of all the internet has to deal with trolls, the other 7% are religious and porn sites, and no one flames on porn. I don't understand the "need" to be an asshole on an internet board, why people say things just to get a rise out of people. I say stuff in real life to get a reaction, but that's in real life, I see the reaction of the person, and unless there's a "reason" for me to be mean, it's always something in good fun, nothing mean.
I think it's time that we have a hall of flame, a "prestigious" institution where all trolls, flamers, and candy-ass bullies get to hang out, together, alone, forever.
Well, honestly I've got nothing left on this subject. It's my opinion on the matter. I hope that next time, you stop by, it's much better material. Something more adventurous, something more, entertaining. Until then, this has been your view from the sun and it's beautiful.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A post or two ago, I alluded to a future "project" that I'd like to start, and in that vein, I'd like to explain a little bit about it. I am a creator. You might not be able to tell that by just looking at me or reading my blog, but I am. I have an imagination that is rivaled by people such as Spongebob Squarepants or Patrick Star. Okay, more like Bear or Casper, but still, I'm one imaginative fuck.
One of the projects that I'd like to start is an online "pseudo-novel" not necessarily a Twilight caliber read, hopefully something better. I'm thinking maybe some short stories and they will be dark, witty, humorous and fun to read. Perhaps parodies of current books, albeit shorter. Someday, honestly I hope I can write something good enough to get published and maybe, just maybe, give someone who deserves it, the break they need.
I'm beginning to realize that I am not in the midday of my life, not even mid-morning, but more like the sunrise of my life. I'm also beginning to realize that my life will never be over, not even when I'm dead and gone I shall go on. I intend on leaving a legacy, a legacy of something legendary. No more will I decide safe is better, but I will take chances, get wild, be cautious when necessary but I'm tired of pretending I'm something I'm not. I want people to pretend to be me. I want to really do what I dream and dare to become something much more than I ever thought.
One way or another, comfort and riches will eventually be mine. I see so many people with "money" just wasting it. Spending it on things like lottery tickets or blowing it on, well, blow. I think that they could spare some of this money for small town charities, big time charities, doesn't matter as long as they remember that once upon a time, they were right there at the bottom of the barrel with the rest of us.
Well, that will do it. I thank you for reading and be sure to tip the hooker and pay the waitress, squeeze some boob, and watch the tube. This has been your View from the Sun, and I hope you come back for more of the warmth that you can only get here.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Ugh! Technology can be a bitch. Yesterday I realized my Norton antivirus wasn't running properly, so naturally I tried troubleshooting and totally messed my computer up. I tried reinstalling my copy of windows 7 ultimate (bootlegged, don't judge me) and for the first time ever it failed me. Apparently, Sony doesn't give you software to factory restore a computer, you have to create the disc yourself, which I didn't know until after I had problems installing windows because, only then, did I read the instructions for a computer I bought 3 months ago. Thank god I have a penis, otherwise I wouldn't be on this little "technological adventure".
So now I wait, all I need is a copy of the correct version of windows and hopefully, I will be up and running again a.s.a.p. hopefully, I don't have to buy what I need to repair everything from the great and powerful Sony. Until it's fixed, it's a 5 pound paperweight.
If only Casper_Wilkes were here, I could probably get it fixed, lickidy split. Lickidy, apparently, is not a real word, and sadly, the only word he will read is lick.. hahaha
Blogs will be shorter as I'm writing them on my phone, yay o_O. The process is entirely too long, but, to make sure my blogs get out there, I will soldier on. But, for now I'm through, so, thank you for once again muddling through the thoughts that I throw out on this glorious thing I call a blog, hopefully in the very near future, I will be starting a very lengthy project right here on, and hopefully, everyone will enjoy it, until then, this has been YOUR view from the sun, and I have been your fantastic host, Eros.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Ugh! I'm a little late... That's what she said.
Now, I'm late with my blog, I promised it on Wednesday, and here it is, 4:30 a.m. Saturday morning, yup, I plan on being late to my own funeral. Hell, I WAS late to my first wedding, and if I ever get married again, I'm gonna do my best to be on time. Okay, well, technically I said "Later" and this is later, but I digress.
Before I truly begin, I have to thank Casper_Wilkes who is kinda promoting me on his own blog over at he's a good friend, and he's very insightful, intelligent and entertaining so check him out, or I should say, check out his blog. Also, he has a demotivational humor site as well, that can be found at:
I'm a big boy. Well that's what I tell myself anyway, so, in some terms, it's really time to grow up and fix some things, change situations. I recently went to the hospital, nothing life threatening, I went straight up to the third floor, dialysis unit, to weigh myself and what I saw was appalling, terrible. I thought, over the years since I had last weighed myself, that maybe, juuuuuust maybe I had lost some weight. NOPE! I gained, about 15 pounds over a two year period. Now, 15lbs, not really that much, however it put me in an elite "class" of people, for the first time in my life, I weighed over 500lbs.
Heavier than a professional wrestler known as The Big Show. Not as heavy as Viscera, or Haystacks Calhoun, certainly I'm not the heaviest person in the world, but still to see that number, 505pounds, was disheartening. I felt so dejected, disappointed, but also, it was like an injection straight to the heart. Something finally clicked in my head that said, "you gonna die fatty, it's time to change, for real, not temporary, fleeting, but life long, change for the better.
I know that in order for things to change on a permanent basis, I have to be psychologically fit to become physically fit. Mental prowess is one of the deciding factors in change, I can stand here(or sit here typing) all day and say change this, change that, and nothing will truly change, you know, like Obama, yup, I went there.
The thing that separates me from Obama, is that I don't surround myself with "yes men". My people are real, they will tell me the truth, whether I want to hear it or not, and that right there, is what will lead to my success. I'm not infallible, I will falter, I will slip, to pretend otherwise is a joke and it's an insult to being real. I will however, get back up, and I will succeed because I have good people in my corner, helping me, because (as far as I know) they don't want my untimely demise due to a seemingly overwhelming adversary.
With that in mind, there are a few things that I'm implementing in the very very near future. A plethora of options that I'm weighing, and not a "diet" but a systematic food choice change. I appreciate any and all feedback, tips, what helped you, things I might not know about, but the biggest help of all is encouragement, and solidarity as I take the white house in November... What? we weren't announcing candidacy for the office of POTUS? Damn it!
I hope you enjoyed reading, I know this wasn't necessarily a "fun" blog, but I think it was somewhat entertaining. I hope I entertained you enough with the real events of my life that you come back next time when this Degenerate brings you, View from the sun. Goodnight everybody, and as always if you're not down with that, I've got two words for ya......
Oh, and one final thing, don't like me on Facebook but do follow me on Twitter @eroshelios
Friday, May 18, 2012
A Wrestling Prayer
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Not bank notes, music notes
Welcome back to the view from the sun, where the only thing hotter are celeb nipple slips. I am as you know, the one and only (thank God) Eros Helios, bringing you, as usual a bunch of stuff you definitely might need to know.
Just a quick f.y.i. kinda thing: when I post using the mobile app, the blogs are shorter because it deceives me, making it seem longer than it actually is. Kinda like when a guy shaves his pubes and his dick looks bigger, it's just an illusion sad to say.
So here I am, once again at Walmart. Okay, so I'm in the parking lot because on my way here, I was listening to some tunage and thought, "oh, that might make a decent blog topic" so, here we are.
I love my family, I really do, but, I think that their music preferences have stunted me musically. See, when I was growing up, the only music my parents listened to was country music. I happen to love a good country song....if I feel the need to want to shoot myself. Too dramatic? Okay. I really do enjoy country music, it invokes many feelings and makes me miss the age of mullets and the line dancing craze. My issue isn't exactly with country music, but I think my parents could have been a tad more eclectic.
I'm not saying all music is good, or bad for that matter, in fact I am glad that I missed the beginning of scream-o rock because, I don't believe my throat and vocal cords could take the abuse, but some of the punk rock, grunge, alternative, and classic rock genres would have been great.
I was in my mid twenties when I was finally exposed to the full catalogs of AC/DC and KISS, I had heard KISS before, but never even knew who they were. I had never heard much Zeppelin until then either. Pink Floyd was another cd in the store, along with many others.
The first time I had heard anything by The Beatles, I was reading sheet music for chorus. Masters of the #1 hits and I was amused and taken aback by their chillung Eleanor Rigby who died alone or the whimsical Yellow Submarine.
I have since tried to listen to as much new music as possible, and as much classic music as well. All while having an open mind because, once you are conditioned a certain way, it's very difficult to recondition yourself.
I urge everyone to give some new music a listen, even if it's old, your brain will thank you, and in the end, maybe it's music that brings nations together, stops wars and hatred. Thus is a crazy train we're riding, and I refuse to be just another brick in the wall, so whether I'm on a highway to hell or climbing a stairway to heaven, I'm going to do all that I can do to live the way I want to live and let the music continue to inspire me.
As always, I wish you a sunny day, maybe I should change my name seeing as how I'm such a night owl. Something with lunar references maybe...Nah, I like my names and whatnot. This is most likely going to have a part 2 because there is so much music that I didn't get in here. Until then, I bid you farewell.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Looking up
I can remember your voice as though we spoke yesterday, I remember your arms wrapping me up in a hug only a grandma could give. I never told you that that was what I looked forward to the most, not saying goodbye but, getting my hugs and kisses from you.
How could I get myself so off track, lost my plans, lost my map. I shouldn't be this way, cynical and filled with disregard for others, you both taught me better.
How to find my way? I look all around and all I see is darkness and evil. In a pit of despair is where I feel I am, clawing and digging my way out. I feel the chains pulling me back, unable to break my bonds, keeping me here, unable to feel the sun spreading its warmth throughout my body.
I scream, echoes reverberate in this hole, almost mockingly, bringing my pleas for help back to my own ears. Laughter fills the air, I'm surprises to realize that it's coming from my mouth. Have I gone insane? The darkness once again swallows me.
A shining light draws my attention upwards, why didn't I see it before? I've wanted so long to be released from this hole, and yet I always failed to simply look.....up....
You've been with me always, never telling, only guiding. Whispering to me in the wind, telling me that my time would come, I'd figure it all out in time, my time. Faith isn't faith because you have proof, faith is believing when proof is non-existent.
My beliefs can never be the same as yours were, but they can be similar. Thank you, for sending those whispers, unrelenting just telling me to keep looking up....
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I was recently watching a video about people almost turning 40, and how now the mid life crisis involves quitting ones job and starting a blog. Now, I don't want to sound conceited but, I have a ton of decent to good and even some great ideas in my brain area, the toughest part is being able to actually write the ideas down in a way that can capture the attention of a reader.
If I start out with something so outrageous but can't follow up, I'm going to have the reader give up as soon as they realize, " hey, this guy sucks" but if I can keep the entertained, not only will they read the blog/column/whatever you wanna call it, but they will continue to read what you write.
It all really comes down to entertainment. Will I be the next Perez Hilton? No. For a plethora of reasons, I won't, but I will be the one and only, Eros Helios, and this has been your view from the Sun
Monday, April 30, 2012
Looking to the sky
I hope that when I'm dead, planted in the ground, you don't realize that you want me. I hope that you are content, because I wouldn't want to be the cause of your pain. I'm here for the taking and you are taking your time, and it kills me. Maybe that's what needs to happen, maybe I need to die, in order to live.
You tell me you have feelings, then only the vaguest of descriptions as to what you want, well I know what I want, I can see it in my head, getting there is the next step.
My God! YouTube is gonna kill me. I titled this note "POWER!" because that is what seems to make this world go around. I try to live by the mantra "believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear" especially when it comes to video sharing sites such as the aforementioned YouTube, because it is so easy to stage just about anything. I say YouTube is going to kill me because I keep giving myself, I guess you could call it a "mini-anxiety attack" . I go on there to be entertained, to watch funny or informative videos(usually I stick to humor) but the past few times I have went on, I end up on political or worse, 9/11 "conspiracy" videos, which many, can be very, very convincing. Could it have been an inside job? Sure, but will we ever know? Hell no, not because of our lack of investigating, but the very reason I am writing this note, POWER!
What has happened to this country to put us on this path of darkness? In 1776 our forefathers declared our independence from the tyrannical monarchy of England, setting into motion all the events leading to this very moment, April 30, 2012 04:49 A.M. Why is it so important for those with power to rule those without? Is the world just one big fat conspiracy theory? Listening to these commentaries, watching some of these videos can be very convincing, just one thing; I'm not convinced, not totally. I agree, that there is something hinky in the works, but I don't know that it's necessarily what these "organizations" are saying.
According to some of these people, the government is, exactly what Orwell predicted, turning into "Big Brother", and is it really that far fetched? How many times a day are we photographed, recorded, either on video or audio, and tracked by credit card transactions. Going to work, becoming a disposable number, just so those in power can feel like they really have power. Every time I see a prominent figure, a photo, a video, I'm left wondering "what role does this person have in helping to take away my God given rights?" From the pope to the president, from entertainers to the news media. The pope misleading with bigotry and religion, the president promising safety and security as long as they can take this little bit of freedom away. The entertainers distracting us from real world realities because it's easier, and the news media feeding us fodder because no one is really brave enough to break the truth, they feed us exactly what the government wants them to: nothing!
Please understand, I love this country, I love the individuality of all countries, but they (they being those in power, regardless of country) want to unify that which shouldn't be unified, that which can never be unified, the so-called NWO could have benefits, but none which equal those we earned when we said "NO MORE TYRANNICAL RULE!" Does this scare me, you're damn right it scares the hell out of me, not for me though, when you no longer fear death, you fear nothing, however, the youth of America is who will ultimately have to deal with this sort of government, the "do what we say or die" is what I fear for people like my niece, no one should have to live in a tyrannical state, let alone grow up in it.
People say that this sort of thing has been building for years. I watched one video that claims it's the Illuminati, if you believe in such groups, that has mandated the eventuality of the NWO, using everything from entertainers to religion to distract and create fear. So, did the Illuminati write the bible then? Or, are they just utilizing the coincidence that religion is such a powerful tool that they can act upon? See, it's very confusing. How could the entire government, from the tiny municipalities to the capitol, be corrupt? There HAS to be good people in there somewhere.
"All that is necessary for evil to prosper, is for good men to do nothing" is this why the good people in government don't stand up? Are they too afraid to stand up for their fellow human beings? It's so easy to give in to the dark side, but it's just as easy to stay in the light. Duality is within us all, the ability to be good or evil, and there will always be evil in the world, but those with power are no better than you or I. I can bleed, so can they. I am mortal, I will die, and so will they. No one person is better than any other, the only differences are our circumstances, you might very well be poor, but not as poor as the gin soaked Vietnam or Gulf war veteran that the whole country forgot, or ignored because he didn't come home in a flag draped casket. Circumstances are what divide us, and actions are what define us.