November 12, 2008 - Wednesday
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Ghost Hunting.....
Current mood: ![]() Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Knockout Corner
Ok, ok, so I'm a day late and a dollar short so sue please don't...anyway I promised a debut to a regular "blog" yesterday and obviously I didn't get it done in time..There's a surprise right.. Alright on with the show babay!! Rumbling Ranting Just because today is the first I'm going to let you know what each section is about. This section ^ is where I "rant" about some of the current events happening in my life and the further ado... Who would have thought it? No, not me I tell you...not that I mind, but I don't think anyone would have thought that in our lifetime would there be a black American president. I sincerely hope that President elect Obama makes the detractors eat their words and that he can truly lead. A lot of My friends wanted McCain. I was the "maverick" who wanted Obama...and My boy Steve...he was hoping for Obama too. God there are so many ignorant people around it's pathetic, example: the other day I was within earshot of a person criticizing blacks..he said quote "When have you ever seen a black guy keep a job for four years?" I was appalled and offended. He was referencing the fact that Obama will be our next president. Picture This! This is an interesting time. When people say the word "ghost", there is usually one of two reactions, one of unabashed skepticism, or one of intense belief. With the continuation of science probing every facet of life and death, there seems to be irrefutable proof that ghosts do not exist, and there is no other world but the physical one...but is there? Science may be alot of things but, first and foremost like everything else science is flawed. There is a show on the Scifi network called "Ghost Hunters". I am an avid fan of the show, and while I do believe in the supernatural and the spirit world, I can't help but think on the same lines as the founders of T.A.P.S. or The Atlantic Paranormal Society, and the philosophy they employ is this, while we believe that there are true events of paranormal phenomenon, there are reports that are really not associated with the paranormal what so ever, and can be debunked. I bring up the show because it inspired me and Steve to try doing a little ghost hunting ourselves. Now, I don't know what the legalities of it are so I will not be including names of places we have visited. Steve and I were with a friend ghost hunting in a cemetery, we have done this a few times and it's been fun, but it's also been very intense. Cemeteries are not the most comfortable place to be at night, the slightest sounds can have you freaking out like a little school girl, I have proof of that. We've went ghost hunting a few times now, each time gleaning a little insight into the afterlife. We have had genuine experiences and have caught some voices and even words while doing E.V.P.'s. E.V.P. stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena (in case you didn't know). We haven't been able to really catch anything else due to us not having money for things like, EMF(Electro Magnetic Field)meter, or a thermal imaging camera. There can be truly hair raising moments, once while exploring a cemetery Steve started feeling as though he were possessed, I felt it too and it was not a nice feeling. It was as though I was drained of all my natural energy, I couldn't speak, I felt like I was a statue I couldn't move. I felt unspeakable anger rolling off in waves from Steve. It was intense. After that happened Steve and I took a break from ghost hunting to clear our heads and have since resumed our evil evil ways... I know that this is kinda short and I just want you to know that I will be increasing my length..or if you think it is perfect length just let me is always can leave me a comment here or you can hit me up by email at: Thank you all for reading. Erik |
The funny thing is, I didn't even realize that I posted it, 4 years to the day, apart...
ReplyDeleteThat's actually kind of funny. I just got done editing my myspace portfolio. I don't even know why, but I did. Crazy what you find when you delve into your past.