Saturday, April 4, 2020

Riding Shotgun

I stare out the window as the breeze flows through, hitting my face. The air is cool and refreshing. I feel calm. At peace. I don't know how, but I am happy. I look to my left, and see the driver of this vehicle and flinch in shock, as a hooded creature, familiar and foreign all at once. He peers over in my direction, two icy blue orbs stare unblinking at me, and with a low, soothing voice I hear him say "Do you fear me?" "No" I reply, "But I didn't think I was ready" I continued. A low chuckle was his only retort. We drive for what seems like hours until I realize we aren't really going anywhere, so I ask "What's the deal here?" He waits a moment until he finally replies "I'm glad that you are not fearful of me, but you're right, it's not yet your time". He slows the vehicle and continues "throughout life, I am taken for granted. The people that I take never realize that they have so much living to do. I have taken you, on this night, to remind you of that. Live while you can, because eventually, we all will be riding shotgun with the reaper."