Welcome to the View from the Sun, I am as always your host, Erik. This installment is one of those, "it just came to me" types of blogs.
Sitting here thinking about all the people who have graced my life with their presence, and all I can think is that 90% of them were absolutely and totally full of shit.
I've had some of the greatest friendships, and most of them didn't last. There are very few people whom I trust my life with. Even many my "family" are just as full of shit as these so-called friends.
I'm not going to name names, point the finger or place blame, but when you act like someone is your friend, and then ignore any and all attempts at communication, that really shows me what kind of person you really are.
I was looking at Facebook and I was seeing all these names from my past and they had a lot in common. Not with me, but each other. Each one had said that I was such a great friend, and how they'd hate to lose my friendship and each one, at a different time, has walked right out of my life, without a glance back.
Life is hectic, lives are torn apart on a daily basis for no other reason than someone, somewhere made a decision, usually a stupid one. Isn't that reason enough to keep the embers of a relationship glowing, burning in the hopes that they will love you. When the day comes, you can be confident that they will be there for you, as a companion, as someone to go through life with, knowing that neither of you will ever be alone?
When the connection is lost, there isn't a tech somewhere that can walk you through fixing it. All that we can do is put some kindling on the ashes, and hope that the fire will once again roar with furious determination.
In the bonds of friendship and love, evil will be conquered.