en a long, long time since I've written a note on Facebook rather than a blog on Blogger. Today is Thanksgiving day, 2013 and I thought that I would write a note recounting the 30 things I'm thankful for, representing one thing per year of my life. So, without further ado, I bring to you 30 years, 30 things I'm thankful for.
30. Electricity, without which I wouldn't be able to compose this note.
29. My favorite Television shows, providing me with background noise to do many other things.
28. Facebook. Even with all the drama, it's still a nice way to connect with old friends, and new ones.
27. The past, for without it, I wouldn't be the person I am now.
26. The present, for without it, I wouldn't know where I want to take my life.
25. Android. 'nuff said.
24. The fact that I have an open mind.
23. The ability to choose what I want to do with my life.
22. Dental hygiene. Without it, I'd probably have a lot less friends.
21. Alcohol. In moderation, a great way to enjoy ones self. If you so choose to.
20. Football!
19. Nature. It's beauty never ceases to amaze me.
18. The ability to vote for the right people to be in office. It doesn't always work, but at least I can vote.
17. The freedom that driving affords me.
16. I'm thankful for my warm and nurturing home.
15. I'm thankful that I have the ability to learn new things, even now.
14. I'm thankful for video games.
13. I'm thankful for Wrestling.
12. I'm thankful that I can change.
11. The New York Yankees!
10. I'm thankful for The The Doctor.
09. I'm thankful for my animals. My animals are part of my family, and they comfort me when needed and are always there.
08. I'm thankful for Tim Horton's coffee. Discovered in 2005, haven't stopped going since.
07. Photography. One of the few things that I am truly, wholly passionate about.
06. The fairer sex. My life would literally both mean nothing and not exist without you.
05.LIFE & Science. Through which we learn what we are really all about.
04. Friends. New ones, old ones, good ones, bad ones.
03. My Family. Without your support, I might never have realized what I can be.
02. Me. I'm thankful for being me, and not giving up on myself, my goals, and realizing that no matter how dark the night, all one has to do is remember to turn on the light.
01. The men and women including my Uncle, who sacrifice much of their time, their families, and even their own lives to ensure the freedom and safety that we all enjoy. Thank you, to the men and women of the United States Military. Thank you for keeping us all safe and free so we can all realize the potential within.
I hope you enjoyed reading what I was thankful for on this, and everyday I'm alive. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving day, and don't get too crazy with the shopping. I'd like to hear what you are thankful for.
Until next time, stay warm and shiny.