Welcome, welcome one and all to View from the Sun, where attendance is not mandatory, but it is appreciated. I know, I know, it's been a whole month since I last wrote. Okay, apparently it has been over a month, I'm sorry. In my defense, I have been busy, working on me, getting job interviews, sleeping. You know, important stuff.
All kidding aside, today I want to focus on something that has been regarded as the worst tragedy in American history, 9/11/2001, and how it is slowly but surely seemingly being forgotten. Now, I know that there are patriot's out there, saying "Now wait just a minute fella, we haven't forgotten 9/11" and I haven't either, but the majority of the public has put it on the back burner, slid it to the furthest reaches of their minds, only thinking of it on the anniversary of 9/11 or on a day where it's announced that Usama (Osama) Bin Laden, or another Al Queda member has been found and neutralized.
I was reading an article in USA today, (E-version) and the wars that were a direct result of 9/11, weren't even talked about in the speech given by millionaire Mitt. On average, 31 men or women die each month and the only people who really seem to care are those that reside in the hometown of that service man or woman. Every citizen of America should feel the sting of yet another soul lost to a Vietnam-like war.
I don't like that it seems like these men and women are being ignored. I don't like the fact that it seems as though 9/11, or any day in history where senseless violence has ended countless lives, is forgotten.
Everyday, we should earn the right to live, because of all the men and women in the armed forces, past and present, gave up their lives so we could live in freedom. Everyday, we should thank each and every one, who gave us that freedom, and we should continue to fight for freedom even here, on the home front. Especially here, in the United States.
Thank you all for joining me, here on a view from the sun. I hope that I will be back much sooner than before, and I hope that my rambling will get better, and more organized. Until then, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America....